The First Mail Delivered via The Pony Express

When was the first mail delivered via the pony expressPara pengendara berlari di atas Sierra Nevada Mountains, melalui Placerville, California dan ke Sacramento. Sekitar tengah malam pada 14 April 1860, surat kantong pertama disampaikan melalui Pony Express ke San Francisco.

Pony Express adalah layanan pesan menyampaikan pesan, surat kabar, mail, dan paket kecil dari St Joseph, Missouri, di Great Plains, atas Pegunungan Rocky dan Sierra Nevada ke Sacramento, California, dengan menunggang kuda, menggunakan serangkaian relay stasiun. Selama 18 bulan beroperasi, ia mengurangi waktu untuk pesan untuk perjalanan antara Atlantik dan pantai Pasifik sekitar 10 hari. Dari April 3, 1860, sampai Oktober 1861 menjadi cara yang paling langsung Barat komunikasi timur-barat sebelum telegraf didirikan dan sangat penting untuk mengikat negara baru California dengan seluruh negara.

Pony Express adalah sistem email-pengiriman Leavenworth dan Pike puncak Express Company of 1859, yang pada tahun 1860 menjadi Central Overland California dan Pikes Peak Express Company. Perusahaan ini didirikan oleh William H. Russell, Alexander Jurusan, dan William B. Waddell yang semuanya penting dalam bisnis freighting.

Sebagai layanan Mail Pony Express ada hanya sebentar pada tahun 1860 dan 1861 ada akibatnya sangat sedikit contoh yang masih hidup dari Pony Express surat. Juga, memberikan kontribusi bagi kelangkaan hidup Pony Express mail bahwa biaya untuk mengirim 1/2 ons (14 g) huruf adalah $ 5,00 di awal, jumlah mahal di hari-hari dan sebagian besar terjangkau bagi masyarakat umum.

Pada periode akhir Pony Express, harga telah turun menjadi $ 1,00 per 1/2 ons tapi bahkan yang dianggap mahal (setara dengan $ 26 pada tahun 2013) hanya untuk mengirimkan satu huruf. Sebagai mail ini juga perusahaan perbatasan, dikeluarkan dari populasi umum di timur, bersama dengan tarif terjangkau sebagian besar, ada akibatnya beberapa potong hidup Pony Express surat di tangan kolektor dan museum. Hanya ada 250 contoh dikenal Pony Express surat.

The riders raced over the Sierra Nevada Mountains, through Placerville, California and on to Sacramento. Around midnight on April 14, 1860, the first mail pouch was delivered via the Pony Express to San Francisco.

The Pony Express was a mail service delivering messages, newspapers, mail, and small packages from St. Joseph, Missouri, across the Great Plains, over the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada to Sacramento, California, by horseback, using a series of relay stations. During its 18 months of operation, it reduced the time for messages to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to about 10 days. From April 3, 1860, to October 1861, it became the West's most direct means of east–west communication before the telegraph was established and was vital for tying the new state of California with the rest of the country.

The Pony Express was a mail-delivery system of the Leavenworth and Pike's Peak Express Company of 1859, which in 1860 became the Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company. This firm was founded by William H. Russell, Alexander Majors, and William B. Waddell all of whom were notable in the freighting business.

As the Pony Express Mail service existed only briefly in 1860 and 1861 there are consequently very few surviving examples of Pony Express mail. Also, contributing to the scarcity of surviving Pony Express mail is that the cost to send a 1⁄2-ounce (14 g) letter was $5.00 at the beginning, a costly sum in those days and mostly unaffordable to the general public.

By the end period of the Pony Express, the price had dropped to $1.00 per 1⁄2 ounce but even that was considered expensive (equivalent to $26 in 2013) just to mail one letter. As this mail service was also a frontier enterprise, removed from the general population in the east, along with the largely unaffordable rates, there are consequently few pieces of surviving Pony Express mail in the hands of collectors and museums. There are only 250 known examples of Pony Express mail.